Categories: SeaDoo

SeaDoo Restoration

I can finally say this project has come to a close. It has truly been fun to see this PWC come back to life, all the way from rebuilding a new seat from scratch to stripping down everything for a fresh coat of paint. I will say, it was refreshing to not have any spare rogue bolts left over after re-assembling everything 🙂 For those DIY’ers out there, you know exactly what i’m talking about!

The seat (there is another post with pics of the process) was fun to say the least 🙂 I started with just a giant piece of rectangular foam and had to mold it not only to the right shape, but thickness as well. All in all, I love the look of how it came out. Few areas towards the front still have the wrinkles where the excess fabric folded over, but i’m not an upholstery shop, nor did I care to invest the money taking it to have it professionally recovered. This is DIY baby!

Another area I really love is the BMX-style handlebars! The OEM bars were faded, cracked plastics, and just too plain. I found several examples online of where people had swapped out the handlebars for aftermarket ones, so I think this turned out to be a really cool mod! This also allowed me to replace the throttle trigger (a piece that was originally broken). I decided to go with the billet finger trigger, which should be fun!

Lastly, after everything was said and done, I washed her up and tuned the engine in (adjusting the throttle linkage to get the idle purring like a kitten) and topped off the fuel (nothing like the old days of pre-mixing oil in with the gas like a weed eater! This thing sounds like one too!)

She is ready for the water, and so am I!

Here are a few pics of the finished project!

until my next DIY adventure…

…stay tuned


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